Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Week 2 & 3 Schedule (Sept 5 - 16)

Monday - Sept 5th

  • NO School

 - Sept 6th (Day -4)

  • Discuss Summer Assignment
  • Begin Chapter 5 - Sec 1 (Spain)
  • Hmwk - Read Chpt 5 - Sec 1 (pages 155 - 161)

Wednesday - Sept 7th (Day - 5)

  • REMEMBER - School Picture Day
  • You will getting a project info sheet in class
  • Discuss and take notes on Chpt 5 - Sec 1
  • Hmwk - Complete 2 handouts you get in class

Thursday - Sept 8th (Day - 6)

  • Finish Chpt 5 - Sec 1
  • Watch 2 short films on Spain
  • Hmwk - Tudor Monarch worksheet

Friday - Sept 9th (Day - 1)

  • Watch a documentary on the events of 9/11
  • Hwmk - writing assignment about 9/11

Monday - Sept 12th (Day - 2)

  • Discuss 9/11 hmwk assignment
  • Continue with Tudor Monarchs
  • Hwmk - 1 worksheet

Tuesday - Sept 13th (Day - 3)

  • Short film on Tudor Monarchs
  • Discuss Tudor's Family Tree
  • Crossword Puzzles
  • Hmwk - Study for QUIZ

Wednesday - Sept 14th (Day - 4)

  • QUIZ - Chpt 5 - Sec 1
  • Finish up with Tudor Monarchs
  • Hwmk - Read Chpt 5 - Sec 2 (pages 162 - 168)

Thursday - Sept 15th (Day - 5)

  • Introduce Chpt 5 - Sec 2 (France)
  • Discuss and takes notes on France
  • Hmwk - Study for QUIZ

Friday - Sept 16th (Day - 6)

  • Take QUIZ - Tudor Monarchs
  • Group work on Louis XIV
  • NO Hmwk

Monday, August 15, 2016

Welcome to World History II

Course Description
Students will study historical and major World events that occurred form the 1500's up through Present day events. The course will cover numerous topics that took place in Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, Middle East and the United States.

First Topic - Absolute Monarchies

We will be studying the rise of Absolute Monarchies in Europe in the 1500's & 1600's. The countries involved, the leaders (kings & queens), the wars between European countries, the pros & cons, the effects of monarchies and the revolts.

Schedule for the First Week of School

Wednesday - August 31st
  • Passing out Text Books
  • Your SUMMER HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT is Due (handout questions on Renaissance, Reformation, and Age of Exploration)  You received these handouts on "Move Up Day" back in June
  • If you need a copy of the summer homework assignment please EMAIL me. I will forward you a copy
  • Discuss Summer Assignment

Thursday - September 1st

  • Taking DDM - 50 Question Pre-Test (explained on first day of school)
  • Finish Summer Assignment

Friday - September 2nd
  • Begin Chapter 5 - Section 1 (Absolute Monarchies)
  • Homework will be due on Section 1 (this will be passed out on the first day of school)
  • You WILL have homework over the weekend (will be passed out on Thursday 9/1)
  • Friday is a HALF DAY - Periods 3, 4, 5 & 6 only

***If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me at  jneusch@bbrsd.org***

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Schedule fr the Week: 9/14 - 9/18

Monday: Sept 14th (Day 1)

  • Discuss/Answer the questions on 9/11
  • Continue with French Bourbon Monarchs
  • Go over Class Notes/Discuss Notes on Chapter 5 - Section 2
  • Assign Hwmk (will be passed out in class)

Tuesday: Sept 15th (Day 2)
  • Discuss Project due on Thursday 9/24
  • Difference between Queen Mary Tudor and Mary Queen of Scots
  • Review French Bourbon Monarchs
  • Hmwk - Study for QUIZ on 5-2

Wednesday: September 16th (Day 3)
  • Take QUIZ on Chapter 5 - Section 2
  • Introduce the Thirty Years War
  • Class Reading on the Thirty Years War
  • Begin Handout on War
  • Hmwk - Chapter 5 - Section 3 (pages 169 - 173)

Thursday: September 17th (Day 4)
  • Finish Thirty Years War
  • Discuss the Rise of Austria and Prussia
  • Short Film
  • Power Point on Versailles
  • Hmwk - Handout on Peter the Great (passed out in class)

Friday: September 18th (Day 5)
  • Finish discussing the Russian Czars
  • Go over/Take notes about the Czars
  • Class Activity
  • Hmwk - Study for QUIZ and work on Project


Monday, September 7, 2015

Schedule for the Week: 9/8 - 9/11

Tuesday - September 8th (Day 3)
  • Review discussion on Spanish Armada 
  • Discussion on Tudor Monarchs and Henry VIII's six wives (review for Period 6)
  • Class Activity for both classes
  • Hmwk - Study for QUIZ 

Wednesday - September 9th (Day 4)

  • QUIZ on Tudor Monarchs & Spanish Armada
  • Introduce the French Monarchs
  • Worksheet on King Louis XIV
  • Hmwk - Finish worksheet and Read pages 162 - 168

Thursday - September 10th (Day 5)

  • Continue working on French Monarchs
  • Power Point on Monarchs
  • Short Film on Louis XIV
  • Hmwk - 2 worksheets

Friday - September 11th (Day 6)

  • We will take a break from Absolute Monarchies and cover the events on 9/11
  • Watch a film about the events on 9/11
  • Hmwk - worksheet/questions about 9/11 and Read pages 169 - 173


Saturday, August 29, 2015

First History Project

Due Monday September 21st  - NO EXCEPTIONS
                                                   (early is acceptable)

Click on Link below to read about project. I will explain it in class as well

Project on - Scientific Revolution & The Enlightenment

Schedule for the Week: 8/31 - 9/4

Monday - 8/31

  • Questions on Monarchies Due (past out in class on Fri or click on Period 1 Link)
  • Read Chapter 5 - Section 1 (pages 155 - 161)
  • Class discussion on Absolute Monarchies and Spain
  • Watch You Tube link on Phillip II
Phillip II

Period  1  -

Tuesday - 9/1

  • Finish Chapter 5 - Section 1
  • Power Point on Spain
  • Introduce the Tudor Monarchs
  • Class activity on Tudor Monarchs
  • Homework - Study for QUIZ (Chpt 5 - Sec 1)

Wednesday - 9/2

  • Take QUIZ on Chpt 5 - Sec 1
  • Continue discussion on Tudor Monarchs
  • Read Chapter 5 - Section 2 (pages 162 - 168)
  • Hmwk - worksheet which will be passed out in class

Thursday - 9/3

  • Finish discussion on Tudor Monarchs
  • Short movie on Tudor Monarchs
  • Introduce French Monarchs
  • Hmwk - worksheet on Louis XIV

Friday - 9/4

  • This is a half day - students released at 11:00am
  • QUIZ - Tudor Monarchs on Tuesday Sept 8th
  • Power Point on French Monarchs/Versailles Palace
  • Class Activity
  • Hmwk - Study for QUIZ

Thursday, July 30, 2015

World History II - 2015/2016

Welcome to World History II

Course Description
Students will study historical and major World events that occurred form the 1500's up through Present day events. The course will cover numerous topics that took place in Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, Middle East and the United States.

First Topic - Absolute Monarchies

We will be studying the rise of Absolute Monarchies in Europe in the 1500's & 1600's. The countries involved, the leaders (kings & queens), the wars between European countries, the pros & cons, the effects of monarchies and the revolts.

Schedule for the First Week of School

Wednesday - August 26th
  • Passing out Text Books
  • Your SUMMER HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT is Due (handout questions on Renaissance, Reformation, and Age of Exploration)  You received these handouts on "Move Up Day" back in June
  • Discuss Summer Assignment

Thursday - August 27th

  • Taking DDM - Pre-Test (explained on first day of school)
  • Finish Summer Assignment

Friday - August 28th
  • Begin Chapter 5 - Section 1 (Absolute Monarchies)
  • Homework will be due on Section 1 (this will be passed out on the first day of school)
  • You WILL have homework over the weekend (will be passed out on Friday 8/28)

***If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me at  jneusch@bbrsd.org***