Parent Info Letter

World History II
Mr. Neusch

Dear Parent/Guardian

Your son/daughter is enrolled in my Freshman World History II course for the 2014/2015 academic year. In this letter, I am enclosing some information about this course, as well as, my contact information which I hope you find helpful for the upcoming school year.

World History II – This course will cover historical and major world events that occurred from the 1500’s up thru present day events. These 500 plus years of World History will be covered in 16 chapters.

Text Book –  Modern World History – Patterns of Interaction
***on line access to the textbook -
              Username – neusch
              Password - tahanto 

My Blog -  Over the duration of the 2014/2015 school year, I will be posting class information on my blog to keep you informed and updated. Such things as current topics we are covering, when tests and projects are due, homework assignments etc.
The Blog address is -

Contact Infoemail address is -
                           School phone# - 508-869-2333

Your son/daughter received a copy of:      1) My Course Overview
                                                                        2) Course Syllabus/Topics
                                                                        3) Massachusetts World History Frameworks

_______  Yes, I have received this information sheet and have read it and reviewed it

____________________________________________                                _________________

Parent/Guardian signature                                                                             Date

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