Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Homework Assignment - Tuesday 9/02/14

1) Read Chapter 5 - Section 1 - pages 155 - 161
      ***Also match any terms from section 1 with your chapter 5 study guide***

2) Complete handout on Section 1 that was given out in class

3) QUIZ on Chapter 5 - Section 1 on Thursday 9/4

Friday, August 8, 2014

World History Database Links

World History in Context

New York Times Database

Massachusetts History

Info Trac

Modern World History

Google Docs Link & First Homework Assingment

This academic year we will be using Google Docs. Please click on the appropriate link below meaning either Period 1, Period 3 or Period 7

Period  1  -

Period  3 -

Period  7 -

Homework Assignment - 8/29/14

Please click on your World History Class period and answer the questions that are provided.

You are to answer the questions and email me your answers to  by NO later then 10:00pm on Sunday August 31st. Also bring a copy of your answers to the questions to class on Tuesday September 2nd.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

First World History Project

Due Monday September 29th  - NO EXCEPTIONS
                                                   (early is acceptable)

Project on - Scientific Revolution & The Enlightenment

Informational Handout about the project was passed out to each student in class as well. 

Absolute Monarchy Test

Chapter 5 Test - Wednesday September 24th

Please refer to study guide, class notes and supplemental materials

First Topic of 2014/2015

Absolute Monarchies

We will be studying the rise of Absolute Monarchies in Europe in the 1500's & 1600's. The countries involved, the leaders (kings & queens), the wars between European countries, the pros & cons, the effects of monarchies and the revolts.

Course Description

Students will study historical and major World events that occurred form the 1500's up through Present day events. The course will cover numerous topics that took place in Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, Middle East and the United States.