Sunday, March 1, 2015

Schedule for the Week: 3/2 - 3/6

IMPERIALISM: 1850 - 1914

***Reminder that we have combined both Chapters 11 & 12 on Imperialism***
***Your study guide covers both chapters***
***We will finish Chapter 12 this week and have a TEST at the end of the week***

Schedule for the Week: 3/2 - 3/6

Monday - 3/2

  • Review Chapter 12 - sections 1 & 2
  • Discuss Chapter 12 - section 3
  • Class activity on section - 3

Tuesday - 3/3

  • Read Chapter 12 - section 3 (pages 382- 387)
  • Complete 1 handout

Wednesday - 3/4

  • QUIZ - Chapter 12 - sections 1, 2 & 3

Thursday - 3/5

  • Read Chapter 12 - Section 4 (pages 388 - 393)
  • ESSAY on Imperialism due
  • Review for Test on Chapters 11 & 12

Friday - 3/6
  • TEST - Chapters 11 & 12 on Imperialism