Sunday, September 28, 2014

Schedule for the Week - 9/29 - 10/3

***This week we will be covering the Scientific Revolution & The Enlightenment***

Monday - 9/29

  • Projects are DUE - NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
  • Presentation of projects in class
  • Progress Reports are issued
Tuesday - 9/30

  • Please have read Chapter 6 - sections 1, 2 & 3 read (pages 189 - 205)
  • Continue with presentations of Projects

Wednesday - 10/1

  • QUIZ - Chapter 6 - sections 1, 2 & 3 on terms and people of the Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment

Thursday - 10/2

  • Early Release Day (11:00am dismissal) - Parent Teacher Conferences.
  • I only see Periods 1 & 3. NO Period 7

Friday - 10/3

  • TEST - Chapter 6

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