Sunday, December 7, 2014

Schedule for the Week - 12/7 - 12/12


On this day and date 73 years ago today(Sunday Dec 7, 1941), the Japanese launched 353 planes to conduct a surprise attack on the American military bases on the Hawaiian Island of Oahu specifically our naval base at Pearl Harbor. The attack began at 7:55am Hawaiian time and lasted about 90 minutes. When the attack was over the United States lost over 2,300 soldiers and sailors, another 1,140 plus military personnel wounded, about 325 planes damaged or destroyed and 19 ships damaged or sunk. This event forever altered/changed the course of American history and our role in world affairs.

Schedule for the Week

Monday - 12/8

  • Getting Chapter 8 - section 1 Quiz back
  • Art assignment DUE
  • Finishing up Section 3
Tuesday - 12/9

  • QUIZ - Chapter 8 - sections 2 & 3
  • Review for Test
Wednesday - 12/10

  • TEST - Chapter 8 - Nationalism
  • Essay for homework & Reading
Thursday - 12/11

  • Read Chapter 9 - section 1 (pages 283 - 288)
  • Complete 2 worksheets passed out in class
Friday - 12/12

  • Read Chapter 9 - section 2 (pages 289 - 294)
  • Complete 2 worksheets passed out in class
  • Progress reports for 2nd Interim will be passed out at the end of the day  

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