Tuesday, December 23, 2014

World History - Period 1 ONLY

***This assignment is DUE to me by 6:00pm on Saturday 12/27***
***Send it to my school email which is  jneusch@bbrsd.org***

  1. Page 313 - define the terms and names
  2. Page 317 - define the terms and names
  3. Page 324 - define the terms and name

Link to this chapter

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Schedule for the Week - 12/15 - 12/19

Chapter 9 - Industrial and Agricultural Revolution

***This chapter is going to focus on the causes of these two revolutions, how these two events began in Great Britain, new farming techniques, new farming and industrial inventions, who contributed to these changes, the expansion of factories and trade, the ripple effects on other countries, the poor living and working conditions and the rise of unions

Schedule for the Week

Monday - 12/15

Tuesday - 12/16

  • Read Chapter 9 - section 2 (pages 289 - 294)
  • Complete 2 handouts passed out in class
  • Watch Youtube link
Wednesday - 12/17

  • QUIZ - Chapter 9 - sections 1 & 2
  • Read Chapter 9 - section 3 (pages 295 - 299)
  • Complete 1 handout
Thursday - 12/18

  • Read Chapter 9 - section 4 (pages 300 - 306)
  • Complete handout on Union Terms
Friday - 12/19

  • QUIZ - Chapter 9 - sections 3 & 4
  • Complete 2 handouts
Monday - 12/22

  • TEST - Chapter 9 - Industrial & Agricultural Revolution
Tuesday - 12/23

  • Activity about the history of the holiday season

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Schedule for the Week - 12/7 - 12/12


On this day and date 73 years ago today(Sunday Dec 7, 1941), the Japanese launched 353 planes to conduct a surprise attack on the American military bases on the Hawaiian Island of Oahu specifically our naval base at Pearl Harbor. The attack began at 7:55am Hawaiian time and lasted about 90 minutes. When the attack was over the United States lost over 2,300 soldiers and sailors, another 1,140 plus military personnel wounded, about 325 planes damaged or destroyed and 19 ships damaged or sunk. This event forever altered/changed the course of American history and our role in world affairs.

Schedule for the Week

Monday - 12/8

  • Getting Chapter 8 - section 1 Quiz back
  • Art assignment DUE
  • Finishing up Section 3
Tuesday - 12/9

  • QUIZ - Chapter 8 - sections 2 & 3
  • Review for Test
Wednesday - 12/10

  • TEST - Chapter 8 - Nationalism
  • Essay for homework & Reading
Thursday - 12/11

  • Read Chapter 9 - section 1 (pages 283 - 288)
  • Complete 2 worksheets passed out in class
Friday - 12/12

  • Read Chapter 9 - section 2 (pages 289 - 294)
  • Complete 2 worksheets passed out in class
  • Progress reports for 2nd Interim will be passed out at the end of the day  

Sunday, November 30, 2014

New Topic and Schedule for week of Dec 1st - Dec 5th

Chapter 8 - Nationalism, Unification and the Arts

***This chapter will focus on 3 main areas. The first will be Nationalism or independence in Latin America. Inspired by the Enlightenment and the American and French Revolutions, many Central and South American countries want to fight for self-rule and Independence. The second area is the Unification of the German states into Germany and the Sicily/Papal states into a Italy. Lastly, new art styles arise to reflect how the "new" world is viewed/perceived.

Monday - 12/1

  • Pass back Chapter 7 Tests
  • Introduce Chapter 8 - Section 1

Tuesday - 12/2

Wednesday - 12/3

  • QUIZ - Section 1
  • Read Chapter 8 - Section 2 (pages 253 - 257)
  • Complete 1 worksheet (passed out in class on Tuesday)

Thursday - 12/4

Friday - 12/5

  • Finish up Section 3
  • QUIZ on Section 2 & 3 will be on Monday 12/8
  • Also do Monday 12/8 will be an assignment on the Arts from Section 4 (you will have that assignment by Wednesday 12/3)
  • TEST will either be on Tuesday 12/9 or Wednesday 12/10

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Schedule for the week - 11/17 - 11/21

***Schedule for the Upcoming Week***

Monday - 11/17

  • Read Chapter 7 - Section 3 (pages 229 - 233)
  • Complete 2 worksheets passed out in class
Tuesday - 11/18

  • Read Chapter 7 - Section 4 (pages 234 - 237)
  • Complete 2 worksheets passed out in class
Wednesday - 11/19

  • QUIZ - Chapter 7 - Sections 3 & 4
  • Complete 2 worksheets passed out in class
Thursday - 11/20

  • Reviewing for Chapter 7 Test
Friday - 11/21

  • TEST - Chapter 7 - French Revolution

Monday, November 10, 2014

Latest Info

Wednesday's Assignment

  • Read Chapter 7 - Section 2 (pages 222 - 227)
  • Complete both sides of worksheet
  • QUIZ - FRIDAY 11/14 on Chapter 7 - Section 2

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Veterans Day Assignment

***Please Click on the link below for your Veterans Day Assignment. DUE - Monday 11/10

Veterans Day Questions

Chapter 7 - French Revolution

***This chapter will focus on the causes of the French Revolution, the phases of the French Revolution, main people involved, why it was so violent, the rise and fall of Napoleon, his lasting legacy and the impact of the Congress of Vienna

***QUIZ - Friday 11/7 on Chapter 7 - Section 1

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Latest Info

Here is the latest info

1) All your latest Tests and Quizzes have been graded and will be handed back tomorrow in class

2) Report cards will be issued this coming Friday 11/7

3) We will be discussing Election Day events tomorrow & Tuesday in class

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Stuart Monarchs, English Civil War & The American Revolution

***This chapter/topic will focus on how the harsh rule of the Stuart Monarchs (who were they) in England led to the English Civil War (causes, key contributors & results) and the formation of a Constitutional Monarchy. Also how the influence of the Enlightenment led to the American Revolution (battles, key people, results) and its desire for Independence

Wednesday - 10/15

  • Read Chapter 5 - Section 5 (pages 180 - 183)
  • Click on the link below to complete the assignment on England in the 1600"s
  • I added a Question #5 to the assignment below

England in the - 1600's  Assignment

Thursday - 10/16

  • Two worksheets for homework (will be given in class on Wednesday)

Friday - 10/17

  • QUIZ - Chapter 5 - section 5 (Stuart Monarchs & English Civil War)
  • Primary Document Assignment DUE (the link is now active)

Primary Document Assignment


Sunday, October 5, 2014

Assignments for the Week - 10/6 - 10/10

Monday - 10/6

Review packet on The Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment is due

Friday - 10/10

Test - Chapter 6 & Project - Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Parents/Teacher Conferences - 10/2


I will NOT be at the night session for the Parent/Teacher Conferences which is 6:30pm - 8:30pm

I will be at the afternoon session for the Parent/Teacher Conferences which is 12:30pm - 2:30pm


1) I will be staying extra time from 12:30pm - 3:45pm in the afternoon session if you can attend

2) You can email me at  jneusch@bbrsd.org   if you wish to set up a time to meet with me if you cannot attend the extra long afternoon session


Mr. Neusch

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Schedule for the Week - 9/29 - 10/3

***This week we will be covering the Scientific Revolution & The Enlightenment***

Monday - 9/29

  • Projects are DUE - NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
  • Presentation of projects in class
  • Progress Reports are issued
Tuesday - 9/30

  • Please have read Chapter 6 - sections 1, 2 & 3 read (pages 189 - 205)
  • Continue with presentations of Projects

Wednesday - 10/1

  • QUIZ - Chapter 6 - sections 1, 2 & 3 on terms and people of the Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment

Thursday - 10/2

  • Early Release Day (11:00am dismissal) - Parent Teacher Conferences.
  • I only see Periods 1 & 3. NO Period 7

Friday - 10/3

  • TEST - Chapter 6

Friday, September 19, 2014

Schedule for the Week 9/22 - 9/26

MONDAY - 9/22 -  
  • Worksheet on Peter the Great due
  • Questions on Russian Czars due (located below n the Blog)
  • Read Chapter 5 - Section 4
TUESDAY - 9/23
  • QUIZ - Chapter 5 - Sections 3 & 4 (Central Europe Monarch & Russian Czars)
  • Review for Test (bring Chapter 5 study guide to class)
  • CHAPTER 5 - TEST (Absolute Monarchies in Europe)
  • CHAPTER 5 - ESSAY part of TEST (about Nation-States)


PROJECT DUE - MONDAY 9/29 - Enlightenment & Scientific Revolution 

 Link Below

 - Scientific Revolution & The Enlightenment

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Russian Czars


Russian Czars Homework Questions

***Click on the link below to answer the questions on the Russian Czars

Russian Czars Questions 


Central European Monarchs Questions


Click on the link below and answer the questions for Chapter 5 - Section 3. Bring in your answers to class on Friday

Central European Monarchs

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Thirty Years War Assignment


Please click on the link below to complete the assignment/questions on the Thirty Years War. Bring in your answers to class on Thursday.

Also please read Chapter 5 - Section 3 in your textbook (pages 169 - 173)


French Monarchy Quiz

QUIZ #3 - WEDNESDAY - 9/17

Please read Chapter 5 - Section 2 in your textbook (pages 162 - 168)

***Bourbon French Monarchs***

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Homework Assignment


***Questions on 9/11***


***Worksheet on King Louis XIV of France***

***You will get back your latest quiz on Monday 9/15***

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Homework - France

DUE - Wednesday 9/10


     ***Spanish Armada & Tudor Monarchs***


Please read the following pages in your text book and click on the link below, answer the questions and bring them to class on Wednesday

Read Chapter 5 - Section 2  (pages 162 - 168)


French Monarchy Questions

Friday, September 5, 2014

Quiz & Homework

Finish Tudor Monarchs crossword puzzles for homework over the weekend 9/6 & 9/7

Next Quiz is WEDNESDAY September 10th on the Defeat of the Spanish Armada & the Tudor Monarchs

You will receive your first quiz grades back on Monday 9/8

Monday, September 1, 2014

Textbook Website

I was just checking to see if anyone was still having trouble accessing the textbook online?
I checked it again last night and this morning and WAS able to log on.
Please email me if you still are having trouble accessing it.

REMEMBER -  to read Chapter 5 - Section 1. Complete the handout and QUIZ on THURSDAY 9/4

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Homework Assignment - Tuesday 9/02/14

1) Read Chapter 5 - Section 1 - pages 155 - 161
      ***Also match any terms from section 1 with your chapter 5 study guide***

2) Complete handout on Section 1 that was given out in class

3) QUIZ on Chapter 5 - Section 1 on Thursday 9/4

Friday, August 8, 2014

World History Database Links

World History in Context

New York Times Database

Massachusetts History

Info Trac

Modern World History

Google Docs Link & First Homework Assingment

This academic year we will be using Google Docs. Please click on the appropriate link below meaning either Period 1, Period 3 or Period 7

Period  1  -

Period  3 -

Period  7 -

Homework Assignment - 8/29/14

Please click on your World History Class period and answer the questions that are provided.

You are to answer the questions and email me your answers to  jneusch@bbrsd.org  by NO later then 10:00pm on Sunday August 31st. Also bring a copy of your answers to the questions to class on Tuesday September 2nd.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

First World History Project

Due Monday September 29th  - NO EXCEPTIONS
                                                   (early is acceptable)

Project on - Scientific Revolution & The Enlightenment

Informational Handout about the project was passed out to each student in class as well. 

Absolute Monarchy Test

Chapter 5 Test - Wednesday September 24th

Please refer to study guide, class notes and supplemental materials

First Topic of 2014/2015

Absolute Monarchies

We will be studying the rise of Absolute Monarchies in Europe in the 1500's & 1600's. The countries involved, the leaders (kings & queens), the wars between European countries, the pros & cons, the effects of monarchies and the revolts.

Course Description

Students will study historical and major World events that occurred form the 1500's up through Present day events. The course will cover numerous topics that took place in Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, Middle East and the United States.