Sunday, January 4, 2015

Schedule for the Week - 1/5 - 1/9

***Happy New Year Everyone***

New Topic/Chapter - Chapter 10 (Age of Democracy & Progress: 1815 - 1914)

***In this chapter, we will examine and discuss the progress and problems of Democratic governments and constitutional monarchies, the rise of Dominions, the United States Civil War and the continued progress made in science and technology

Schedule for the Week

Monday - 1/5

  • Review and discuss previous chapters
  • Introduce Chapter 10
Tuesday - 1/6

  • Read Chapter 10 - Section 1 (pages 313 - 316)
  • Complete 2 handouts
Wednesday - 1/7

  • QUIZ - Chapter 10 - Section 1
  • Introduce Chapter 10 - Section 2
Thursday - 1/8

  • Read Chapter 10 - Section 2 (pages 317 - 321)
  • Complete 2 handouts
Friday - 1/9

  • QUIZ - Chapter 10 - Section 2

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